Thursday, June 30, 2011

cameron diaz bad teacher trailer

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  • trailer for Bad Teacher

  • hiralal
    06-24 08:13 AM
    one of the main reason that I stopped looking for a home is GC. the reason I was hunting around was to get advantage of tax credit ..but when I read articles like this ..I feel waiting for some more time has advantages too !! (so even if you take best case scenario of 10% drop in your area ..a house which costs 250K will drop by 25K ??? which is 3 times the tax credit).
    Searching for a bottom in the housing market
    Sales look like they could rebound soon, but you can't say the same for prices.

    See all RSS FEEDS (close)
    By Janet Morrissey, contributor
    June 19, 2009: 4:23 AM ET

    FORTUNE 500
    Current Issue
    Subscribe to Fortune

    NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Sales in the decimated housing market may finally be bottoming, but don't expect home prices to stop dropping before mid-2010 at the earliest, analysts and economists say.

    Indeed, prices in the battered housing market could get a lot worse before they get better as an avalanche of specialized adjustable rate mortgages, known as option ARMs and Alt-A mortgages, are slated to reset over the next 18 to 24 months, and rising unemployment causes a surge in the number of prime mortgages going into default. All of this is expected to trigger another round of foreclosures and cause home prices to tumble at least another 20% before the market rebounds, according to market analysts and economists.

    Market bulls believe home prices could bottom in the second half of 2010, but the bears warn it could be 2013 before they finally trough. And once prices do reach a low, it could be years before they significantly rebound.
    0:00 /4:19Housing market's false hope

    "This is clearly the worst housing crisis since the Depression," says John Burns, president of John Burns Real Estate Consulting. Losses from the housing meltdown totaled $3.6 trillion at the end of 2008, and will likely approach $5 trillion by the time the crisis ends, predicts Lawrence Yun, chief economist with the National Association of Realtors.

    Bob Curran, managing director at Fitch Ratings, is a lot more cautious, noting that one month of gains doesn't make a trend -- existing home sales are still off 3.5% from a year ago. "You'd want to see a string of months -- ideally three months -- to say with confidence that a bottom has been reached," he says.

    "We're about two-thirds of the way through the pricing correction on a percentage basis," says Joshua Shapiro, chief U.S. economist with MFR Inc., an economic consulting and analysis firm. He expects prices to slide at least another 20% over the next 18 months.

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  • Trailer for BAD TEACHER

  • Vsach
    01-09 06:14 PM

    Why can't we all plan a strategy to get the Green Card process going....rather waste time discussing something like this????

    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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  • Cameron Diaz

  • pmb76
    07-14 04:29 AM
    IV core,

    Pani's letter completely undermines IV's initiatives. IV has to move in one single direction not in 10. If this guy wants to send a letter he should not be allowed to send it using IV's banner. Please request this guy to either stop this letter campaign or NOT use IV's name. I do not understand how jokers like Pani are tolerated by IV. IV must disown this guy and his dangerous campaign.

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  • #39;Bad Teacher#39; Red Band

  • cbpds
    07-28 02:49 PM
    what did that dumb O bama do with 60 senators and 260 congress democrats in the house-------GHANTA.......he is the most useless guy on earth....

    Indians always seem to think Democrats will help them but they are like our Indian politicians only, all promises no action

    Come the November Elections, Dems could lose 10 in Senate..

    And we are back to square one.

    Dejavu 2007/2008 ;

    If this happens, no bill will pass, leave alone Immigration Reform.

    Republicans will keep sending bills and Obama will Veto 'em.


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  • Bad Teacher movie poster

  • sagar_nyc
    02-22 02:06 PM
    I think we need to find out rival Anchor/Channel for Lou Doobs and inform him with all the facts.

    cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Bad Teacher Has a Red Band
  • Bad Teacher Has a Red Band

  • rbharol
    11-14 09:39 PM
    If he keeps doing this, soon people will know what he is up to and will stop taking him seriously....


    cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Bad Teacher opens theaters
  • Bad Teacher opens theaters

  • smisachu
    12-28 09:28 PM
    I agree to what you say. But understand that firing a nuke needs more than having one. Our missile shield is pretty good, we have several anti missile defence shields installed all across the border with Pakistan including the Rann of Kutch. Yes they are only tested and not war tested, but so are pakistans wepons. At least our wepons are self produced, paks are purchased chinese crap. I doubt nukes will be used even if there is a conflict.

    As you say we have suffered for 60 years due to terrorism and we need to end it. I am not advocating war but killing all terrorists. India has no interest in Pakistan and has no use for it if we occupy it. I was just highlighting the capacity of our Army not advocating marching to Islamabad. All we need to do is get back POK into our control and eliminate the Terrorists there, revoke article 370 and assimilate Kashmir and kashmiris into rest of India and vice versa.

    Listen as some one who has lost a cousin in Kargil and an uncle in 71 war and with 3 cousins still serving in the force , I know the pain of war closer than you might think. Thats why I want to end it once and for all. Do you know, a Jawan is killed due to COLD in siachen glazier every week and this is a place we dont have to put our boys on through the winter, but we do just because if we dont Pak will occupy our post come Summer.
    We need to kill terrorists and let modren pakistanis to gain control of the country, until this is done this problem will not go away for India or the US or anyone else.

    I hope thats your bravado speaking. Otherwise what you have stated is mostly inaccurate. Much as I would like to see Pakistan walloped for supporting the jehadi pigs, what war could potentially escalate into is far scarier than 200 people killed in Mumbai. It could mean the deaths of hundreds (or many times that) people - both Indian and Pakistani. That casualty number is not acceptable given that we've been absorbing thousands of losses in the last 50 years...scratch that - even in the last 20 years. IMHO Kargil was a bigger event than Mumbai than this since they had the b*lls to waltz onto Indian territory.

    Strategically, India has no advantage pushing on to Islamabad (which is why we didn't in the wars earlier). Logistics will not support an invasion - primarily because the local population will not support it. And then it means killing thousands of non army personnel to hold on to territory and sustaining the same kind of losses. ('71 push to Dhaka was a contrast because the local population was supportive of India's/ Muktibahini push)

    Nukes - for the delivery mechanism it doesn't need to be accurate - it just needs to get close and explode above or around the target. If it explodes in the air there are fewer casualties than if it were to land on the ground - then the massive fallout would be even more catastrophic. Anti-missile shield? Wow - but no way are they going to be effective. 4 minutes of flying time from Pak to India for an aircraft - its hard intercepting aircraft (which are far slower than missiles the last time i checked).. you need to research a little more before speaking up. And none of India's or for that matter Pakistans missiles have been war-proven (remember Murphys law - yes that will creep in here also)

    Yes - India can wipe out terror camps; wipe out the PAF/ Pakistan army etc. But what is the strategic advantage? An economic setback of 20 years? No buffer between Afghanistan, and the hardcore mullahs west of Pakistan (most Pakis outside of the ISI are liberal Islamists). Also, the US will be more concerned about the Afghan border and will step up international pressure on India to let Pakistan be - worse - it could take an offensive posture against India as in '71 (like everyone else US cares about its interests first)

    Pakistan is that spoilt younger sibling to India that keeps making noise to get whatever it wants. Now the time has come when even they know they've gone too far. And its A**kicking time - but not militarily. A tough stance from India and the rest of from the rest of the world will work also. Tough love, baby!

    India's interests are best served by getting ISI branded a terror organization, Pakistan a terror state and by de-linking Kashmir with the whole terror issue since most of the terrorists are non locals anyway (because Pakis want the focus on Kashmir). Repeal article 370 so that Kashmiri Pandits are assisted in returning to Kashmir along with other Indians (whatever religion so wants to). Rebuild Kashmir economically. Help liberal Pakis rebuild their country - and with a better economy, maybe good sense will prevail in that failed state.

    Strength is not always an action of force. Strength is sometimes force of action - and India needs to be forceful in its actions - not relenting, not giving up until South Asia is a peaceful place again.

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  • and stars Cameron Diaz as

  • rsdang
    08-11 04:53 PM
    :DH E A D A C H E S

    Joe was moderately successful in his career, but as he got older he was increasingly hampered by incredible headaches. When his personal hygiene and love life started to suffer, he sought medical help.

    After being referred from one specialist to another, he finally came across a doctor who solved the problem.

    "The good news is I can cure your headaches... The bad news is that it will require castration. You have a very rare condition which causes your testicles to press up against the base of your spine. The pressure creates one hell of a headache. The only way to relieve the pressure is to remove the testicles."

    Joe was shocked and depressed. He wondered if he has anything to live for. He couldn't concentrate long enough to answer, but decided he had no choice but to go under the knife.

    When he left the hospital, his mind was clear, but he felt like he was missing an important part of himself. As he walked down the street, he realized that he felt like a different person. He could make a new beginning and live a new life. He walked past a men's clothing store and thought, "That's what I need:
    a new suit." He entered the shop and told the salesman, "I'd like a new suit."

    The salesman eyed him briefly and said, "Let's see... size 44 long." Joe laughed, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job." Joe tried on the suit. It fit perfectly.

    As Joe admired himself in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about a new shirt?" Joe thought for a moment and then said, "Sure..." The salesman eyed Joe and said, "Let's see... 34 sleeve and... 16 and a half neck" Joe was surprised, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

    Joe tried on the shirt, and it fit perfectly. As Joe adjusted the collar in the mirror, the salesman asked, "How about new shoes?" Joe was on a roll and said, "Sure ..." The salesman eyed Joe's feet and said, "Let's see... 9-1/2...
    E." Joe was astonished, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

    Joe tried on the shoes and they fit perfectly. Joe walked comfortably around the shop and the salesman asked, "How about a new hat?" Without hesitating, Joe said, "Sure..." The salesman eyed Joe's head and said, "Let's see...
    7-5/8." Joe was incredulous, "That's right, how did you know?" "It's my job."

    The hat fit perfectly. Joe was feeling great, when the salesman asked, "How about some new underwear?" Joe thought for a second and said, "Sure..." The salesman stepped back, eyed Joe's waist and said, "Let's see... size 36."

    Joe laughed, "No, I've worn size 34 since I was 18 years old."

    The salesman shook his head, "You can't wear a size 34. It would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one hell of a headache."


    cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Justin Timberlake from Bad
  • Justin Timberlake from Bad

  • Refugee_New
    01-06 03:56 PM
    When (so called) indian leaders will learn from Isreali counterparts ??

    Didn't Narendra Modi followed the footstep of Isreali counterparts by killing innocents in Gujarat?

    Its upto Indians to decide which type of leaders we need. Like Gandhi or Modi.

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  • debuted for BAD TEACHER,

  • srr_2007
    04-07 12:17 AM
    My understanding H1 B employers (mostly desi companies) are root cause of this situation by abusing H1 b program, they have made enough money by sucking H1 employees blood, now hey are equally affected it is time for them to share some of it and fund all the efforts to curb these kind of Bills.

    Please forward the text of this bill to all your employers and ask them to join hands with IV.

    Desi consulting comapanies will not be affected. Consider this, if this bill becomes you can't transfer Visa and stick to the same employer. They can pay whatever they feel like paying (may be $7 per hr) and abuse the way they want. we will continue to extend the Visa and work as slaves thinking that this will get over one day like the Green card mess.

    They will earn more with less people and buy all the new model cars and houses everywhere in US.

    This is our problem and we have to fight for our good.


    cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Cameron Diaz#39;s BAD TEACHER is
  • Cameron Diaz#39;s BAD TEACHER is

  • punjabi
    08-05 01:50 PM
    A doctor had just finished a physical well-check session with one of his patients, when he realized he got a bit carried away with the procedure. He was resting afterwards and was feeling a bit guilty because he thought it wasn't really ethical to do it with one of his patients. However, a little voice in his head said "Lots of other doctors have done it with their patients so its not like you're the first". This made the doctor feel a little bit better until still another voice in his head said, " but they probably weren't veterinarians".

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  • Cameron Diaz#39;s BAD TEACHER is

  • sanju
    12-17 04:38 PM
    sledge_hammer, xyzgc, truthiness,

    please remove bold text from your post in response to acool. In the words of Contessa Brewer, acool is a Fother Mucker.



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  • Cameron Diaz On #39;Jimmy Kimmel

  • puddonhead
    06-07 06:22 PM
    I think it really is a matter of personal choice. A house is much more than a mere investment. For people like us it adds another layer of complications
    due to our status (or rather...lack of status).

    We are in Bay Area (San Jose Metro area) and were paying around $2000 in rent. We just bought a condo where our payments (mortgage + Taxes + HoA) are going
    to be around 2300. Hopefully we will be getting back around 400-500 in taxes and this makes it a good deal. However only 15 days after moving into our
    new house, I was laid off and now our biggest concern is if I am not able to get a job in next few weeks and if we have to go back we will be almost
    80k down the hole.

    Personally I would wait till 2012 beginning to consider getting into Cali, Las Vegas, Florida markets. The neg-am/interest-only bubble (BusinessWeek Article ( is just beginning to burst with their interest rates resetting, and wont peak until late 2011. This bubble is just as big as the sub-prime one (in terms of dollar value - around USD 0.5 - 1.5 Trillion) and will probably have much higher default rate (north of 50% by all estimates I have seen so far). These loans were originated to make the high priced homes in these area affordable. So it will hit the middle class to aspirational neighborhoods the most - unlike the sub-primes, which mostly hit the lower income areas.

    I don't mean to sound disheartening - just want to provide info and interpretation as I see it so that people can avoid getting into this trap.

    Personally, I am also surprised/uncomfortable that the prices in the NY Metro Area has not come down so much even though all the indicators (rent/price ratio, affordability) are way off base and getting worse with rents heading south. I don't know how these ratios will correct themselves (the neg-am mess is unlikely to hit this area too much) - but my intuition tells me that it has to. If anybody more knowledgeable can add more insights then that will be great.

    tattoo Bad Teacher Has a Red Band cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Bad Teacher (Trailer) [VIDEO]
  • Bad Teacher (Trailer) [VIDEO]

  • learning01
    05-24 12:51 PM
    still trolling Lou.

    You can feel the vengence of Lou against immigrants in the tone, in the voice in the tenor and above all in the content and subject matter.

    I can't sit quietly if someone on this forum speaks highly of Lou. But soon we must end this discussion, if Communique continues his rant. We need other things on the forum, like sending web fax #15, following senate live discussions. Such bill comes up only once in one's lifetime.

    "Folks, please be more rational and thoughtful please ?"

    I think thoughtful and rational are NOT two words you would use to describe a Lou Dobbs broadcast. :D

    Extremely one sided, hateful, demagogry, those words would be more accurate.


    pictures Bad Teacher opens theaters cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. added a red-band trailer for
  • added a red-band trailer for

  • funny
    09-30 04:10 PM
    I think you are right - as soon as they see I140 revocation they are doing the easiest thing, that is to reject underlying I485. They can easily check the 180 days period; alternately they can actually issue NoticeOfIntenttoDeny (NOID) and give a chance to the candidate why I485 should not be rejected - this is also equally easy for them to do (just send a letter and give a 45 day or something similar time). I think they are simply rejecting so it reduces the total pending I485 cases. It might be possible for us to open MTR and resolve this but if working on EAD we will be in soup and also MTR's typically take longer to get resolved.

    I guess this discussion is going on in a different direction.. "AC21 is the focus here" while we are at it, I want to ask if someone has seen a denial, just because someone used AC21 and the I-140 was not revoked.

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  • New Trailer for Cameron Diaz#39;s

  • thakurrajiv
    04-06 09:12 AM

    I have been reading this thread with a lot of interest and could not hold back from commenting on the unbridled optimism many of you guys are showing towards the housing market, which reminds me of the "long tailed" euphoria that followed long after the NASDAQ had crashed over 50% in 2001 after the tech bubble, and people kept wishing it would come back long after it became clear to most cynical observers that it would take decades to achieve the same levels as before (and it hasn't yet)...

    Housing has not yet bottomed. It still has a long way to go. You guys may think that the foreclosures related to subprime resets have subsided so the market may recover. You haven't seen anything yet. Consider:


    Option ARMs (adjustable rate mortgages) and Alt-A ARMs are the next two shoes to drop. In case you've had your head buried in the sand, the economy is on verge of a collapse. Unemployment is soaring and many more companies are considering layoffs. Many economic observers are opining that we are already in recession.

    Desi junta, and others, I entreat you readers to please consider this seriously in your house purchase decisions. If for some reason you need to sell and move out, at a minimum you will be saving some money (by not losing your downpayment, for example) by choosing to rent. Rent a house/townhouse from a private owner if you are tired of renting an apartment and have growing kids - it's a "renters market" in the private rental marketplace right now with so many investment properties purchased during the housing bubble available for rent.

    I would like to offer up a few blogs, whose commentators should be taken seriously. I recommend you read and bookmark the following blogs if you want to follow the housing market and the economy:

    I like this website for people just starting out to get more financially educated (in an entertaining way):

    Good luck and please be careful before 'taking the plunge!'

    very good post jung.lee. As you said lay offs have not even started !! Recent 80000 job loss data came in. This is givt data which is a lot worse than expected. Imagine the real job losses !!
    For me this is beginning of end !! Things will get real now. House prices will come in line with what people can afford .....


    makeup Justin Timberlake from Bad cameron diaz bad teacher trailer. Bad Teacher, a comedy centered
  • Bad Teacher, a comedy centered

  • sc3
    08-05 06:48 PM
    Here we go again. EB2 is fraud, they are all really EB3, but guess what? All the bright EB3s are really EB2, they are all suffering needlesly. Right?

    Here's my take (I don't even believe it but I think you deserve to hear it)- I think EB3s like you are the real frauds. If immigration law were followed to the T, plenty of EB3s would never get a GC. So many Americans with basic skills that can do silly coding - hell a monkey can do it. So enjoy what you have.

    How did you like the sound of that pal? If it felt wrong and offensive, then first shut your own gob and stop posting crap about "most EB2s".

    Just fyi I have been here loger than you- by quite a lot. So if that's the qualification, I have "seen" a lot too.

    I dont know whom you are responding to but...

    So Eb2 does not do silly coding??!!. Get a reality check. The jobs that Eb3 and EB2 does are pretty much the same. The same monkey can do the jobs of EB2 too, so I fail to see you point.

    Also, the law does not just state that there are no qualified -- there is also a willing clause. There might be Americans who can do the job, but such Americans may not want to relocate etc.

    Over the lot of arguments I have seen Eb2 claiming to be superior, please disabuse yourselves of it. I am Eb3, but I lord over Eb2, and the same EB2s lord over me depending on particular expertise and problem that is being solved, that is business. No, I am not talking about telling EB2s how to switch on their computers. I am talking about hardcore technical issues.

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  • The rejuvinated Cameron Diaz

  • ca_immigrant
    06-23 03:48 PM
    Yea your calculation is a little off. 400,000 financed @ 5% 30 year fixed is $2,148. Factor in your taxes and insurance in escrow thats a total of (approximately, im guessing for your area) $2,500 total. Plus your HOA of $250/month thats 2750 which sounds about right with gapala's calculation. Your closing costs, give or take should also be factored, approx. 10-30k.

    So that comes to 33k/yoy in expenses. That may not be bad when your making six figure incomes or combined household incoming is 150K+, since 20k+ of interest is deductible yoy, but imo i wouldnt buy a 500k+ property unless there is some sort of income to bring down my monthly cost, like a rental unit.

    Townhouses here in NY are very similar to condos so I'm assuming that its the same there. I personally would not pay 500k for something similar to a condo unless its in Manhattan. Just curious why not buy a house instead of a townhouse? Unless thats the norm in that area. I would prefer to take care of the house myself than pay maintenance and HoA dues. You learn a lot more and grow as a homeowner.

    Sorry and thanks for the correction....I missed the closing costs...
    but from what I know it is 1% of the home price ? so around $ 5000. (again not sure)

    as for the calculation....I did not take into consideration the that is not an expense.....

    as someone said calculation might make sense if prices keep falling down...

    As I said ...Is there risk invloved...? of course yes -;)

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  • Cameron Diaz#39;s latest film

  • nojoke
    04-14 04:33 PM
    Comparing buying playstation3 and chocolates with buying a house is nojoke. The argument of buying playstation3 and chocolates is no argument.

    You ddin't get my point. 7 year old kid gives more importance to these than a house. I am not saying playstation3 is equal to housing.:(

    If you had said your child needs personal space, then it would be different. In this case you are talking about older kids. Most of us have kids younger than 5 years old.

    12-29 07:31 PM
    Suicides in India Revealing How Men Made a Mess of Microcredit ( By Yoolim Lee and Ruth David | Bloomberg

    Tanda Srinivas was lounging in the yard of his two-room house in the southern Indian village of Mondrai shortly after noon on Oct. 28 when his wife, Shobha, burst out of the door covered in flames and screaming for help.

    The 30-year-old mother of two boys had poured 2 liters of kerosene on herself and lit a match. The couple had argued bitterly the day before over how they would repay multiple loans, including those from microlenders who had lent small sums to dozens of villagers, says Venkateshwarlu Masram, a doctor who called for the ambulance.

    Shobha, head of several groups of women borrowers, was being pressured to pay interest on her 12,000 rupee ($265) loan. Lenders also were demanding that she cover for the other women, even though the state had restricted microfinance activities two weeks earlier, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its February issue.

    When Srinivas, 35, tried to snuff out the flames with a blanket, his polyester clothes caught fire. Within three days, both parents were dead, leaving their sons orphans.

    Now, on this November morning, the boys� ailing 70-year-old grandfather and blind grandmother say they are caring for Aravind, 10, and Upender, 13, in the farming village where many men earn a living gathering palm extract to make alcoholic beverages.

    None of the boys� relatives can support them full time, says their 60-year-old grandmother, Saiamma, breaking into tears.

    India�s Microlending Hub

    The horrific scene in Mondrai, 80 kilometers (50 miles) from the city of Warangal, has played out in dozens of ways across Andhra Pradesh, India�s fifth-largest state by area and the site of about a third of the country�s $5.3 billion in microfinance loans as of Sept. 30.

    More than 70 people committed suicide in the state from March 1 to Nov. 19 to escape payments or end the agonies their debt had triggered, according to the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty, a government agency that compiled the data on the microfinance-related deaths from police and press reports.

    Andhra Pradesh, where three-quarters of the 76 million people live in rural areas, suffered a total of 14,364 suicide cases in the first nine months of 2010, according to state police.

    A growing number of microfinance-related deaths spurred the state to clamp down on collection practices in mid-October, says Reddy Subrahmanyam, principal secretary for rural development.

    �Every life is important,� he says.

    Perverse Turn

    On Nov. 8, police arrested two managers of lender Share Microfin Ltd. on allegations of abetting another suicide, this one of a 22-year-old mother. Share Microfin didn�t respond to requests for comment on this story.

    As India struggles to provide decent education, health care and jobs to millions still locked in poverty, microlending -- the loaning of small sums to the world�s neediest people to help them earn a living -- has taken a perverse turn.

    Microcredit has become �Walmartized� by unrestrained selling of cheap products to the poor, says Malcolm Harper, chairman of ratings company Micro-Credit Ratings International Ltd. in Gurgaon, India.

    �Selling debt is like selling drugs,� says Harper, 75, the author of more than 20 books on microfinance and other topics. �Selling debt to illiterate women in Andhra Pradesh, you�ve got to be a lot more responsible.�

    Opposite Effect

    K. Venkat Narayana, an economics professor at Kakatiya University in Warangal, has studied how microfinance lenders persuaded groups of women to borrow.

    �Microfinance was supposed to empower women,� he says. �Microfinance guys reversed the social and economic progress, and these women ended up becoming slaves.�

    India�s booming microlending industry is part of a global phenomenon that began as a charitable movement but now attracts private capital seeking growth and high returns.

    Banco Compartamos SA, a former nonprofit that�s now the largest lender to Mexico�s working poor, raised about $467 million in its 2007 initial public offering. The August IPO of SKS Microfinance Ltd., India�s biggest microlender, drew further attention to the industry.

    SKS began operating in 1998 as a nongovernmental organization led by Vikram Akula, 42, an Indian-American with a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Chicago.

    The company raised 16.3 billion rupees by selling 16.8 million shares at 985 rupees each. SKS shares peaked at 1,404.85 rupees on Sept. 15. As of Dec. 28, they�d fallen to 652.85 rupees.

    Andhra Pradesh Crisis

    On Oct. 15, the government of Andhra Pradesh imposed restrictions that bar microlenders� collection agents from visiting borrowers and required companies to get local authorities� approval for new loans. The rules have crippled lending and repayments. Loan collection levels in the state have dropped to less than 20 percent from 98 percent previously, according to an industry group.

    The upheaval in Andhra Pradesh is a long way from the vision of Muhammad Yunus.

    The former economics professor won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his pioneering work in Bangladesh providing small sums to entrepreneurs too poor to get bank loans.

    Yunus, 70, discovered more than three decades ago that when you lend money to women in poverty, they can begin to earn a living, and most of them will pay you back.

    Yunus started the Grameen Bank Project in 1976 to extend banking services to the poor. Since then, it has lent $9.87 billion and recovered $8.76 billion; 97 percent of its 8.33 million borrowers are female.

    �Wrong Direction�

    Yunus says he�s not against making a profit. But he denounces firms that seek windfalls and pervert the original intent of microfinance: helping the poor.

    The rule of thumb for a loan should be the cost of funds plus 10 percent, he says.

    �Commercialization is the wrong direction,� Yunus says, speaking in a telephone interview from Bangladesh�s capital of Dhaka. �An initial public offering is the triggering point for making a lot of money personally as well as for the company and shareholders.�

    David Gibbons, chairman of Cashpor Micro Credit, a nonprofit microlender to the poorest women in India�s Uttar Pradesh and Bihar states, says public, for-profit lenders face a conflict.

    �They have to decide between the interests of their customers and interests of their investors,� he says.

    01-08 01:05 PM
    I read your all post, the above post just makes me confused. How could you just bash one community , their beliefs ,make fun of their Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and all the prophets ), his teaching , saying the that Mohamed has fooled his followers , let him , we want to be fools what can you do about it? and then later come up with such a statement.
    If it makes you furious , so does it to us.
    How do you justify your anger and hatred towards one community.

    Please educate me...why muslims always tell "peace be upon him" immediately after the mention of the name Mohammed? Is it because he preaches violence???

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  • glus
    01-03 11:03 AM
    Going to school itself will not have any effect on your H-1B status. If you stop working for the H1b employer, then your H-1B status is gone. If you have EAD, you can continue working for anyone else. This has no effect on GC processing, as long as you can show that there is the same or similar position for you when they adjudicate your i485. I assume your 485 has been pending for more than 180days and that your I140 is approved. Your new employer, if you leave h-1b, will need to produce a letter that he has a position that is similar in title and duties to the orginal sponsor's position. Only with such a proof your GC can be approved later on. Keep in mind you must keep EAD always if you leave your H-1B employer.

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  • buvane
    09-10 03:04 PM
    I also got the same answer saying my case is under Extended Review. I'm confused what do they review for 2 years? Any Clue??
    What should I do now??

    PD -May 7,2004
    RD-July 2,2004
    ND- Aug 28,2007

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  • HV000
    11-17 03:25 PM
    Why are we always in an approval seeking mode when it comes to U.S? This still shows that we didn�t come out of our slave mentality ever since independence. We are happy whenever something Indian gets recognized in US. We are also happy to associate ourselves with America and call our film industry as Bollywood, Kollywood, Tollywood etc..

    Do Americans give a damn about Halloween celebrations in India? In fact they didn�t even know that an outside world exists until 9/11. They built a strong economy from its grass roots by believing in their self worth, there by becoming the greatest country in this world. America didn�t seek approval from any country throughout its history and this is what one need to learn from this country.

    Most of us are here are 2nd and 3rd generation Indians since Independence and for God�s sake let�s stop this weakling attitude right now and not pass this on to our children. Feel good about you and your culture from your heart and don�t let anyone or anything to influence that.

    �Show me a man without an ego and I will show you a loser� � Donald Trump - Real Estate billionaire

    We could care less about U.S. if we were in India, but we are in the U.S. It's VERY important that they understand us and our plight waiting for green cards.

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  • prouddesi
    10-16 11:57 AM
    Hello Folks,

    We have an excellent opportunity to set-up an IV booth. Details are posted on So Cal yahoo group with the link in my signature.

    Venue: Diwali Mela, San Diego.
    Date: Saturday, November 10th.
    Target: A whopping 5000 visitors for recruitment and educational purposes.

    I am looking for at least 4 So Cal volunteers/shift to take responsibility for 2 hour shifts at the booth. If San Diego/Orange County/LA members take turns in the booth shifts that day, this goal is achievable!

    PLEASE SIGN-UP on the yahoo groups spreadsheet.

    Thank you in advance! :)


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  • immi_enthu
    10-29 06:50 PM
    Do we have to go in person to the SSN office to apply for SSN based on EAD for a person who's on H4 before ?

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  • gcnotfiledyet
    02-26 11:29 AM

    From this group it does not look like there is any rule followed by states as they follow CGFNS guidelines. It is just that USCIS has started using OOH for PTs. It looks like AILA will be filing something with USCIS.

    My first question: you have been here for 5yrs on h1b then why did you not file green card under schedule A when it was current until Dec 2006? I am really surprised. You would have been on green card long time back. Actually I am even surprised that you did not go for masters even afer being here for 5years.

    If there is any other way you can continue your presence in US then go for it. You just have to be patient for USCIS to start accepting what state boards accept while issuing licenses. If state boards do not mind foreign bachelors to practise PT then I don't understand why USCIS would care. I think its just another shot from USCIS to shoot immigrants out of this country.

    Getting into masters of PT can't be that quick. Schools just don't accept students everyday. They have deadlines for every semester and there is so much paperwork including exams, evaluations, proof of funding etc etc. So do talk to lawyer for your options to stay here, talk to school on how to enroll in masters, if your spouse is on h1 then get onto h4 by filing cos. These are just my guesses. Again talk to lawyer for your options ASAP.


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  • smuggymba
    09-17 11:19 PM
    FB spillover from a year gets added to overall EB quota of 140K for next year. And each category gets its proportional share of the spillover.

    do we know how much it is for this year?

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  • ilovestirfries
    10-01 02:10 PM
    Thanks people...Hearing from people caught up in similar scenarios, at least, gives me a sense of relief that I am not alone...I shall call up NSC and check up on my spouse's application...Thanks again to all those who responded...


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  • Templarian
    11-20 02:57 PM
    So just curious if you were going to put this up for the weekend.

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  • transpass
    08-01 12:28 PM
    I am pleasantly surprised and would like to thank Sen Mendez on behalf of all the IV members in his constituency for sponsoring visa recapture bill in Senate. Few days back when we called his office, his position was different. But because of we all calling and requesting for his support, he graciouly has agreed to take up our case. Speaking with his staff, I came to know that more than thousand calls were made to his office in support of the visa recapture bill.

    No Offense, but please don't misspell the senator/congressman(woman) name...Senator Menendez...

    It might also not look good when someone from IV calls the office and pronounces the name incorrectly...



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  • eagerr2i
    09-17 03:03 PM
    IV is not against H1B as such. Majority of IV members are presently on H1B program.

    IV does not support the increase of H1B visa quota before the EB immigrant visa mess is cleared. Also, IV has comdemned every single abuse of of H1B by small consulting firms or the 'fly by night operators' who abuse the system by not paying the prevailing wages to employees or not paying them at all while the consultant is on bench.

    One of the IV core members pointed out in a recent interview that in a recently released Government Accountability Office report on H-1Bs noting that in just 2005, there were 306,927 H-1B labor condition applications approved.

    I am quoting him verbatim as per the report- "Now, consider the fact that in the entire 2000-2005 period, there were only 2,737 employees due back wages [as a penalty to errant employers who broke the rules and underpaid a H-1B employee]. That is not even one percent of just one year's applications — forget about five years worth of applications," .

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  • tnite
    08-03 10:28 PM

    Per this press note, Nebraska has issued receipts for I-485 upto July 11 and Texas 26th June....

    maybe they meant 07/1/2007


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  • kentsubra
    10-10 12:06 PM
    i filed for me and my wife through the lawyer on july 6th at NSC. I did not and havent received a receipt; however, 2 days ago we both received the EAD card (no AP yet) through the mail. I THEN went and checked the status online, and there it said cards had been ordered for processing.

    Also, it turns out my lawyer had received the receipt notice on Sept. 18th, but i didnt.

    Hope you get yours soon.

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  • Templarian
    08-27 11:16 PM
    Double posting bump this thing.

    I just noticed we don't have a <3 hmm (to keep it traditional or actually a severed heart is the question).


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  • ajju
    08-29 11:27 PM
    Par: Parolee

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  • tikka
    06-07 01:14 PM
    Have you had a chance to contribute as yet? if NOT please do so soon.
    IV needs funds for lobbying efforts

    thank you

    I am surprised with this thread. There is no Deadline for employemnt based GC (this was mentioned by Sen. Robert (Bob) Men�ndez,NJ when requesting to move the FB deadline which is clearly mentioned in the bill as May 01, 2005) . Please read the summary and text carefully.

    First five years
    Total number of merit-based green cards includes sum of:
    a.) First five fiscal years have same number of green cards as made available to EB category in 2005. This number is 246,878.
    b.) Any visa number not used by family based category.
    How the total number will be divided between Current system and new merit-based system and Y visa holders --
    - 10,000 (or more) reserved for exceptional aliens under �Y� visa category.
    - 90,000 (exactly 90,000 � not more not less) for backlogged (pending or approved I-140 applications). Currently, this number is 140,000.
    - Remaining possibly goes to new merits system. Until the merits system is ready for accepting petitions, the Y visa holders probably get a shot at this since the clause says �No more than 10,000� � leaving room to let it go up from 10,000 to whatever is left.

    and the TEXT of the Bill
    �(A) for the first five fiscal years shall be equal to the
    33 number of immigrant visas made available to aliens
    34 seeking immigrant visas under section 203(b) of this
    35 Act for fiscal year 2005, plus any immigrant visas
    36 not required for the class specified in (c), of which:
    37 (i) at least 10,000 will be for exceptional aliens
    38 in nonimmigrant status under section
    39 101(a)(15)(Y); and
    40 (ii) 90,000 will be for aliens who were the
    41 beneficiaries of an application that was pending
    42 or approved at the time of the effective date of
    43 this section, per Section 502(d) of the [Insert
    44 title of Act] ( Act not the bill)

    (c) EFFECTIVE DATE.�The amendments made by this section shall take
    11 effect on the first day of the fiscal year subsequent to the fiscal year of
    12 enactment.

    So a bill becomes law only after signed by the president, and the effective date could be Oct 01, 2007 if not Oct 01, 2008.

    So all the I-140 filed on of before Effective date are considered as pending!!

    I don't know why even lawyers are getting confused here!:confused:


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  • ysiad
    08-10 11:08 PM
    Hi, my I-485 approval might be close according to current processing time. I have moved within the same city. I wonder whether change of address at this time will cause any delay:
    1. how likely due to change of address, my I-485 processing will be affected and got delayed?
    2. how likely I will get a REF due to change of address?
    3. Is it better to make an effort to keep the old address?


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  • serg
    10-30 08:50 PM
    [Apologies for the cross-post]
    Since there are lot of ppl here who have had EAD/AP for years ...
    Do you know if USCIS lets you petition for renewal of EAD/AP only 4 months before expiry? Our legal assistant says that they can not apply for renewal until its 4 months to expiry. I was under the impression that we could apply six months in advance. Can someone post a USCIS link that provides a definitive answer?

    Thanks D&vgnextchannel=1847c9ee2f82b010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD

    "Renewal EAD: You should apply for a renewal EAD six months before your original EAD expires."

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  • GCcomesoon
    10-31 02:39 PM
    Its been more than 90 days for me and I don't have even a receipt no.Lawyer says that things have been delayed. Can it be delayed so much that I don't have even receipt no ? :confused:


    I got my EAD approved last week on 10/25 after 143 days.I had made 2 info pass appointments, had called USCIS & created 2 service requests after which I guess even my attorney had called USCIS . Only after all this , the message on USCIS online showed that "Card ordered" Actually I have to still receive my physical card in hand. Can you believe even my FP is pending for last almost 5 months now ?


    Priority date - 05/2003
    140 approved - 10/2006 from TSC
    485,131,765 RD-6/04/2007 at TSC, notices received - 06/07/2007
    CA, EB2
    Wife's case returned due to some error,send it again & received on 06/17/2007 as per Fedex
    Wife's case RD- 7/10/2007

    LUD in my case - I131 - 7/10/07, approved - 7/24/07
    LUD in my case - 1131,485,765, - 7/11/07
    LUD in spouse's case - I131-7/11/07
    EAD cleared for spouse - 08/20/07
    FP for spouse - 08/08/07 , I rescheduled it.
    FP scheduled - 10/03/07 - Done
    AP approved for spouse - 09/12/07
    EAD -10/25 - message - Card ordered online.
    Still waiting for actual EAD card & FP

    03-31 12:35 PM
    If you do not want to wait for your employer to give you details about the report, you can order one for yourself using a service like Personal record search (includes criminal reports) from

    If I were you, I would not wait around for details from the employer but spend the $25 and get all the info I can and dispute whatever is incorrect.

    08-15 03:26 PM
    I sent back a new I-693 form along with TB testresult (thru USPS). USCIS received the document on 08/14.
    Today (08/15), I got a mail with contents
    "Current Status: Response to request for evidence received, and case
    processing has resumed"
    Do you have any idea, how long it will take to approve the 485 after they receive the RFE documents.
    Do they still continue to approve the cases after Aug 17th?

    I got an RFE for the latest employment letter. After I sent the required documents, in about 8 days I got approved. I'm hoping yours should be close

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  • panky72
    06-19 12:30 AM
    I live in GA. My 485 was filed at NSC and was receipted at CSC and transferred back to NSC.

    As per the filing instructions, I will have to file EAD at Texas Service Center.
    But some folks told me to file at the location where I-485 is pending.

    I have the following questions

    a> Where should I file my EAD renewal
    b> Is it true, paper based EAD renewal does not require finger printing

    Yes you don't need finger printing for paper based EAD renewal.

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  • sunny1000
    12-02 05:39 PM

    I did some search at the "Immigration and customs enforcement" website and got the below links that may help you. You can even call them to find out the answers you are looking for.

    Hope everything works out for the kids. God bless.

    What type of information will I need to visit a detainee in a detention facility?
    A government-issued photo identification or other identification when photo identification is unavailable for religious reasons is required to visit a detention facility. However, you should contact the detention facility you plan to visit in order to find out what their policies and regulations are regarding visitation.

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    05-10 01:20 PM
    1) Will immigration department check back with uni if i am still enrolled (note: i got paper signed from my advisor with my graduation dates on it)
    Google SEVIS I-20. The SEVIS system will tell USCIS and universities whether you are in status or not as per F-1 requirements. You will need to get a new I-20 and you are out-of-status until you have one.

    2) Should i leave US and apply for a new visa and a new i 20 with that community college?
    If yes, then what are my chances of getting a visa?
    Don't do it. Your F-1 Visa will most probably be rejected due to this out-of-status issue. You might be able to get a new I-20 from outside the country but not a VISA.

    3) What are my options??
    Stick with Purdue and do as the International Advisor says (you don't have many options). Hopefully you will be reinstated (Purdue should have issued a new I-20 when they re-admitted you from community college. I am not sure why they overlooked)>

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  • gtg506p
    01-07 10:24 AM
    Had a quick question. Not sure if this has been discussed before. Planning to get wife here on H4 and she wants to study. I have applied for 485 and in retro now. Is it advisable to study on H4 or F1? I know she can work on F1 but would that not be advisable since lets say the VB does become current in future for me then filing her 485 might be a problem since F1 is pure non immigrant and USCIS might hold it againt her. Any info/simlar situations greatly appreciated.


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  • wandmaker
    04-19 11:41 AM
    Hi guys,

    My I140 was approved last week (RD July 2007). I have the approval notice copy from the lawyer but the online status is still saying its pending.

    I called uscis and she told me that she is seeing that its pending too but if i have the approval notice then not to worry. It takes them some time sometimes to update the system, as per her.

    But my concern is, when my PD becomes current and if their own system shows my I140 penidng(eventhough it's approved), how will they approve 485?

    Any one in same boat or any past experience?

    Thanks and good luck to all who are waiting.

    now-a-days, Online system is not in sync with the case system. Level CSR will see what you see on online system. As long as you have the hardcopy of the approval, you are good to go. Someday, online status will change.

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  • rpat1968
    08-07 06:48 PM
    Another news Posting in Sacramento Bee :

    Interesting news posting today in "Dallas Morning News" :


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  • obelix
    07-27 02:55 PM
    Its anybodys guess....but u r one lucky guy to get ur receipt within 10 days...


    Not really. If you see the late June submitters thread, many of us who applied in the June 20th timeframe have got their receipts. It took us 5 weeks to get the receipts from the date of filing.

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  • pappu
    08-26 01:17 PM
    Thanks OP for posting these articles. Really great articles.

    Hey I would suggest and ask everyone to send the emails to the BW and SFMAG and thank them for writing such good articles. This will motivate them to write more articles like these and gets us in the picture and our issues which will help in CIR

    Both are good articles. Thanks for posting.
    I agree with you. We should be writing in the comments area of both these websites to show support for such articles.


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  • teikyo30
    08-05 06:29 PM
    I read the letter myself when it came yesterday. It clearly stated there is no appeal due to the fact that she applied to early.

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  • gchopes
    04-13 12:41 PM
    Hi all,

    I am from North Carolina and I am applying for ITIN for my wife along with 1040.

    I understand I need to send 1040 & ITIN to the ITIN address:

    Internal Revenue Service
    ITIN Operation
    P.O. Box 149342
    Austin, TX 78714-9342

    Being from NC, the mailing address for my 1040 is:

    Internal Revenue Service Center
    Atlanta, GA 39901-0002

    I should be using ONLY the ITIN address for my this year's tax return and not the address for Atlanta, GA. Am I correct?

    Once IRS send me the ITIN for my wife in 4-6 weeks, I should use that to submit my state return (where I am getting a refund). The state return would happen only after the deadline of Apr 17 because its only then that I shall get an ITIN for my wife.

    Please advise.



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  • sujijag
    09-16 02:15 PM
    EB3 is an overloaded ship, either you had to abandon(read porting to Eb2) or unload few of them (removing 245(i) cases from Eb3) to reach the target.
    Abandoning can take an year for most of us - PERM Approval time line for now.
    Unloading will never happen in this economic scenario
    So we had to look for lifeboat saving to do the miracle. If any one finds it let me know am ready to grab it.

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  • number30
    03-12 11:06 AM
    I got hold of a copy of the actual RFE and when I read closely, the above statement sounded alarming. Since the labor was filed in 2003, I was wondering what relevance June 26, 2006 has.

    Any help is appreciated.

    While responding to RFE add this information. Ask them note that your priority date is August 2003 and you have two years of experience prior to that date.


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  • aranya
    06-01 04:10 PM
    It is very possible that my question might have already been answered in the past but after searching through many forums, I could not find a direct answer.

    Here�s my situation:
    Category: EB2
    PERM approved.
    I 140 approved.
    PD � Dec 2007.
    H1-B status: 6 yrs expiring Sep 10. Filed for 3 yr extension.

    I have an excellent chance of a promotion to a managerial level position. I am seriously considering abandoning my current GC process, accept the managerial position and reapplying for a new H1-B and GC.

    1. Will I need a new H1-B? If so, for how many years will I get it?
    2. When I apply for a new PERM, will PD of Dec 2007 still be valid?


    1. You will need a new H1-B with a new LCA appropriate duties and responsibilities, wages etc.

    2. Yes. You can retain the old PD with the I-140. Take care to note that that you are not applying for the PERM but your company will be and your company may or may not find qualified citizens/permanent residents. You do not and should not control the recruitment process.

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  • Almond
    07-05 11:55 AM
    You'd have to reapply for I140 for the new company. The one you had approved for the old company will not be valid for the new company.


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  • prashant1j
    01-07 10:48 AM
    My wife is from Bangalore, however since Chennai did not have available dates till Jan 20th she has scheduled her H4 appointment at New Delhi for Jan 9th. Please share experiences.


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  • vinzak
    12-15 03:57 PM
    While we all wait anxiously for our GCs, it can't even get you into Haagen Daaz in India.
    You'd need to wait till you are a US citizen for that!!!

    Haagen Dazs Delhi Says No Indians Allowed - AgencySpy ( sp)

    Haagen Dazs Delhi Says No Indians Allowed
    By Kiran Aditham on Dec 15, 2009 12:32 PM

    With the opening of its first New Delhi outlet, ice cream brand Haagen Dazs adopted an interesting if not ridiculous policy: those with international passports were allowed in while Indians themselves weren't. Times of India's Rajesh Kalra provides a tale of a friend who was turned away by Haagen-Dazs enforcers. Here's a brief excerpt:

    "I immediately called Ramit. 'You are an international traveler, and you have a passport, so you can go in', I said. Ramit's response was instant: I tried to enter but they said you are not allowed for you don't have an international passport. I am normally not given to immediate emotional reactions, but I couldn't resist this time. I was, to be honest, upset. How can they do this to an Indian, in India? Do a story on TOI or NBT? Do it for print or Online? Call other media friends and colleagues? I simply didn't know how to react. Print would have a better impact, but should I wait that long?"

    Kalra didn't wait long. He contacted local authorities and used Facebook and Twitter to get the word out to the Indian community and as expected, HD's actions drew plenty of ire. According to BoingBoing, after a fitting public outcry thanks in part to Kalra's efforts, the operator of the franchise (who ironically is Indian) has axed the policy and apparently now claims it never existed.

    Kalra, though, chalks this discrimination up to an age-old mentality of some Indian people. "I have often maintained that we ourselves are our biggest enemies. Our mentality is that of slaves and we think anything is good only if its approved by foreigners, or the 'holders of international passport[s].'"


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  • fall2004us
    10-08 03:42 PM
    bump ^^^

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  • purgan
    09-20 04:21 PM
    USCIS clairified today, No

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  • needhelp!
    01-14 12:45 PM
    No you are not required to file a separate petition for your husband. When your sister files the I-130, she needs to put your husband's name on the same form.

    When you file DS-230, Each family member that is eligible to travel to the United States with you under this visa classification is required to complete the DS-230 Part I. So separate DS-230 are required for you and your husband.

    1. If you are a U.S.citizen you must file a separate Form I-130 for each eligible relative. You may file a Form I-130 for:
    A. Your husband or wife;
    B. Your unmarried child under age 21;
    C. Your unmarried son or daughter age 21 or older;
    D. Your married son or daughter of any age;
    E. Your brother(s) or sister(s) (you must be age 21 or older);
    F. Your mother or father (you must be age 21 or older).

    If your relative qualifies under paragraph 1(C), 1(D), or 1(E) above, separate petitions are not required for his or her husband or wife or unmarried children under 21 years of age.

    10-27 02:40 PM
    Apparently, NSC doesnt have enough applications.....can they start looking into visa recapture????

    Business slowing at Lincoln immigration center (

    07-19 11:35 AM
    We can send in our recommendations to improve USCIS.

    In the current situation USCIS is going to receive around One or Two millions of AOS applications. Issuing EADs and APs are going to face huge delays. So If USCIS cannot keep the 90 day promise for EADs they should issue interim EADs Or Introdue Premium processing for EADs and APs.