Friday, July 1, 2011

leonardo dicaprio titanic 2_25

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  • Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate

  • lazycis
    01-15 11:15 AM
    Finally, I found it in the federal regulations. So it's the federal law.

    20 CFR Ch. V. � 655.731
    except that the deduction may not recoup a business expense(s) of the employer (including attorney fees and other costs connected to the performance of H–1B program functions which are required to be performed by the employer, e.g., preparation and filing of LCA and H–1B petition);

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  • Leonardo DiCaprio – Bar

  • nogc_noproblem
    04-15 12:51 PM
    9 Years, with one employer!!! immmm..

    If the employer is good it is ok, what if not?

    I don�t know how many of our most productive life time is going to be stagnated because of this GC wait.

    Lunch Time (EST), on the lighter note�.

    Tourists in the Museum of Natural History ...
    ...were marveling at the dinosaur bones. One of them asks the blonde guard, 'Can you tell me how old the dinosaur bones are?'
    The guard replies, 'They are 3 million, four years, and six months old.'
    'That's an awfully exact number,' says the tourist. 'How do you know their age so precisely?'
    The guard answers, 'Well, the dinosaur bones were three million years old when I started working here, and that was four and a half years ago!'

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  • Michael Mann and Leonardo

  • xyzgc
    01-01 01:37 PM
    Dear fellow IV'ians,

    I just wanted to share my good news with all of you on the cusp of a New Year. I am ecstatic to announce that my 140 got approved after a nerve wracking 17 months.

    I have been rewarded with this blessing at the end of an absolutely horrendous year, to say the least. It started with being on bench for 5 months, to a 2-month contract in another city on H1-B through 3 layers, working hard as a mule whilst at the same time thinking positive, praying and believing in myself. Then extending contract by 3 months, abandoning H1B to use EAD due to ridiculous treatment by my H1 employer of 8 yrs. (it was the proverbial last straw on the back). Finally after this effort, contract extended through 12/31/09 culminating just yesterday by the approval of my 140!! "Hoped for the Best but prepared for the Worst"!

    It came at a moment when I was almost ready to give in, throw up my hands in despair and start the tedious process all over again. But I always believed there was a silver lining in the clouds for me and it has just now opened up.

    I want to thank everybody for reading and providing a fellow immigrant support and answers throughout this arduous journey. As a token of my appreciation for IV, I will contribute $140 towards our campaigns for next year.
    {PayPal Payment Sent to "" (Unique Transaction ID #85N48789NY4311439)}

    And lastly - Wish You a Happy & Prosperous 2009!! Be safe everybody.

    Happy to note that your trial and tribulations have come to an end. I had very similar issues back in 2001-2

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  • Leonardo DiCaprio isn#39;t

  • Antonio Trivelin
    June 16th, 2006, 01:07 PM
    Hi Antonio,
    Great stuff!!!
    I love no. 2, 3 and 4.
    2 for the dynamic composition, 3 just cracked me up because the percussion instruments are so domineering and 4 seems pure concentration. 2 and 4 could maybe be cropped slightly, but that's very minor.

    Hi Stefanie !!

    Tks a lot for the comments !!! :D

    This guy at the percussion was fantastic !!! He was very concentrate on it and make a lot of funny faces :) ...i think he is Lenny Kravitz�s cousin hahahahah ..just for fun ok.




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  • Titanic Rehearsal

  • Hey Ram GC
    05-05 05:33 PM
    I did try to change the title, but can not. In the body, i did, but main page, i can not.
    BUT I can wish about EB3- India to be current soon

    leonardo dicaprio titanic 2_25. Leonardo Di Caprio
  • Leonardo Di Caprio

  • saketkapur
    09-22 07:17 PM
    gave you a green...hopefully you will have a card after that soon too...:D


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  • by Leonardo DiCaprio and

  • krishna_brc
    05-21 01:20 PM
    i did it myself too..pretty straightforward..they hv all info on their website..

    Hi Pandya,
    Can you please provide their website link. I appreciate your help.


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  • 2:25. Kate Winslet amp; Leonardo

  • amaran18
    08-13 04:23 PM
    First of all, Congrats !!

    You should talk to a lawyer to get this clarified.


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  • TITANIC TILE ~A beautiful

  • titu1972
    07-23 12:56 PM
    Lincon, NE
    Delivery Date Jul 2,2007 10:25

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  • funny
    10-08 03:46 PM
    Good news....Very bold move by Indian Govt.


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  • Leonardo DiCaprio Pic - The

  • hiralal
    06-18 09:56 PM
    if your wife is bugging you to buy a house them this article :D :D ..and it will help
    Female Homeowners Sadder, Fatter Than Renters
    John Carney|Jun. 18, 2009, 11:27 AM|comment27
    Tags: Economy, Housing, Housing Crisis

    Researchers from Wharton have discovered that female homeowners, on average, outweighed renters by 12 pounds.

    Female homeowners were also carrying around more aggravation, making less time for leisure, and were less likely to spend time with friends.

    "Home ownership can be a much more complex idea than just a straightforward expression of what we call the American dream," says Grace Wong Bucchianeri, an assistant professor of real estate at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School. The story was reported on

    But what about all the good stuff that comes with owning a home? Aren't homeowners benefiting from the security and independence of owning. Not really. The research shows that when you control for things like childbirth and income, the difference in contentment vanishes.

    "I don't see any strong evidence that homeowners are any happier than renters," says Bucchianeri, whose 600-woman study is under review for publication in the Journal of Urban Economics. "On the other hand, they consistently report a higher level of pain — or what you might call negative feelings — connected to their home, and that's after controlling for all kinds of demographic characteristics, their financial situation, how many children they have and so on."

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  • in 1997 movie Titanic and

  • lonedesi
    01-15 04:08 PM
    I am in the same boat. They are taking way too long to process H1-B extensions.

    Its the same with I-140 too. My application has been pending at VSC for 7 months now and no signs of it being transferred to TSC or NSC for processing or if it will be processed at VSC itself. There is no sign of PP starting anytime soon either. It is such a painful situation to be in. Would it be of any help, if we can contact the USCIS Ombudsman???


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  • Leonardo DiCaprio (Inception

  • iptel
    01-30 02:48 PM
    Just a suggestion I think if we involve US India Polical Action Committee(USINPAC) may be our effort to reach the law maker will be easier.

    Members of the U.S. Senate India Caucus are as follows -

    Senator Cornyn (R - TX) � Republican Co-Chair
    Senator Clinton (D - NY) � Democratic Co-Chair
    Senator Hutchison (R - TX)
    Senator Lott (R - MS)
    Senator Lautenberg (D - NJ)
    Senator Santorum (R - PA)
    Senator Lieberman (D - CT)
    Senator Specter (R - PA)
    Senator Daschle (D - SD)
    Senator Stabenow (D - MI)
    Senator Bingaman (D - NM)
    Senator Cochran (R - MS)
    Senator Frist (R - TN)
    Senator Corzine (D - NJ)
    Senator L. Graham (R - SC)
    Senator Schumer (D - NY)
    Senator Wyden (D - OR)
    Senator Coleman (R - MN)
    Senator Chambliss (R - GA)
    Senator Bayh (D - IN)
    Senator Durbin (D - IL)
    Senator Breaux (D - LA)
    Senator Crapo (R - ID)
    Senator Levin (D - MI)
    Senator Fitzgerald (R - IL)
    Senator Grassley (R - IA)
    Senator Bennett (R - UT)
    Senator Boxer (D - CA)
    Senator Nickles (R - OK)
    Senator Stevens (R - AK)
    Senator Mikulski (D - MD)
    Senator Rockefeller (D - WV)
    Senator Landrieu (D - LA)
    Senator Hatch (R - UT)
    Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

    Members of Congressional India Caucus

    108th Congress elected in November 2002
    List updated as of June 18, 2004

    112 Democrats, 74 Republicans, Total 186

    Congressman Crowley (D-NY) - Democratic Co-Chair
    Congressman Wilson, Joe (R-SC) - Republican Co-Chairman
    Congressman Abercrombie (D- HI)
    Congressman Ackerman (D-NY)
    Congressman Andrews (D-NJ)
    Congressman Baca (D- CA )
    Congressman Baird (D- WA)
    Congressman Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC )
    Congressman Beauprez (R-CO)
    Congressman Becerra (D-CA)
    Congressman Bell (D-TX)
    Congresswoman Berkley (D-NV)
    Congressman Berman (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Biggert (R-IL)
    Congressman Bilirakis (R-FL)
    Congressman Bishop, Rob (R-UT)
    Congressman Blumenauer ( D-OR)
    Congressman Boucher (D-VA)
    Congressman Brady, Kevin (R-TX)
    Congresswoman Brown, Corrine (D-FL)
    Congresswoman Brown, Henry (R-SC)
    Congressman Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Brown-Waite, Ginny (R-FL)
    Congressman Burgess (R-TX)
    Congressman Burns (R-GA)
    Congressman Calvert (R-CA)
    Congressman Cannon (R-UT)
    Congressman Cantor (R-VA)
    Congresswoman Capps (D-CA)
    Congressman Capuano (D-MA)
    Congressman Cardoza (D-CA)
    Congressman Carson, Brad (D-OK)
    Congressman Chabot (R-OH)
    Congressman Chandler (D- KY )
    Congressman Cooper (D-TN)
    Congressman Cox (R-CA)
    Congresswoman Cubin (R-WY)
    Congressman Davis, Danny (D-IL)
    Congressman Davis, Jim (D-FL)
    Congressman DeFazio (D-OR)
    Congressman Delahunt (D-MA)
    Congressman Deutsch (D-FL)
    Congressman DeMint (R-SC)
    Congressman Dicks (D-WA)
    Congressman Doggett (D-TX)
    Congressman Doyle (D-PA)
    Congressman Duncan (D-TN)
    Congresswoman Dunn (R-WA)
    Congressman Ehlers (R- MI)
    Congressman Engel (D-NY)
    Congressman English (R- PA )
    Congresswoman Eshoo (D-CA)
    Congressman Evans (D-IL)
    Congressman Faleomavaega (D-AS)
    Congressman Feeney (R-FL)
    Congressman Ferguson (R-NJ)
    Congressman Filner (D-CA)
    Congressman Foley (R-FL)
    Congressman Forbes (R-VA)
    Congressman Ford (D-TN)
    Congressman Frank (D-MA)
    Congressman Franks (R-AZ)
    Congressman Frost (D-TX)
    Congressman Garrett (R-NJ)
    Congressman Gephardt (D-MO)
    Congressman Gillmor (R-OH)
    Congressman Gingrey (R-GA)
    Congressman Goodlatte (R-VA)
    Congressman Gordon (D-TN)
    Congresswoman Granger (R-TX)
    Congressman Green, Gene (D-TX)
    Congressman Green, Mark (R-WI)
    Congressman Greenwood (R-PA)
    Congressman Gutierrez (D-IL)
    Congressman Harris (R-FL)
    Congressman Hastings (D-FL)
    Congressman Hayworth (R-AZ)
    Congressman Hensarling (R-TX)
    Congressman Hoeffel (D-PA)
    Congressman Holt (D-NJ)
    Congresswoman Hooley (D-OR)
    Congressman Honda (D-CA)
    Congressman Hoyer (D-MD)
    Congressman Inslee (D-WA)
    Congressman Israel (D-NY)
    Congresswoman Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
    Congresswoman Johnson, Eddie Bernice (D-TX)
    Congressman Jones (R-NC)
    Congressman Kanjorski (D-PA)
    Congresswoman Kaptur (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Kelly (R-NY)
    Congressman Kennedy, Patrick (D-RI)
    Congressman Kildee (D-MI)
    Congressman Kind (D-WI)
    Congressman King, Peter (R-NY)
    Congressman Kirk (R-IL)
    Congressman Knollenberg (R-MI)
    Congressman Kolbe (R-AZ)
    Congressman Kucinich (D-OH)
    Congressman LaHood (R-IL)
    Congressman Lampson (D-TX)
    Congressman Lantos (D-CA)
    Congressman Larsen (D-WA)
    Congressman LaTourette (R-OH)
    Congresswoman Lee, Barbara (D-CA)
    Congressman Levin (D-MI)
    Congressman Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)
    Congressman Lewis, John (D-GA)
    Congressman Linder (R-GA)
    Congressman Lobiondo (R-NJ)
    Congressman Lofgren (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Lowey (D-NY)
    Congresswoman McCarthy, Carolyn (D-NY)
    Congresswoman McCarthy, Karen (D-MO)
    Congressman McCotter (R-MI)
    Congressman McDermott (D-WA)
    Congressman McIntyre (D-NC)
    Congressman McNulty (D-NY)
    Congressman Majette (D-GA)
    Congresswoman Maloney (D-NY)
    Congressman Manzullo (R-IL)
    Congressman Matheson (D-UT)
    Congressman Meehan (D-MA)
    Congressman Meek (D-FL)
    Congressman Meeks (D-NY)
    Congressman Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
    Congresswoman Millender-McDonald (D-CA)
    Congressman Miller, Brad (D-NC)
    Congressman Miller, Gary (R-CA)
    Congresswoman Miller, Jeff (R-FL)
    Congressman Mollohan (D-WV)
    Congressman Moran, Jim (D-VA)
    Congresswoman Myrick (R-NC)
    Congresswoman Napolitano (D-CA)
    Congressman Neal (D-MA)
    Congressman Ney (R-OH)
    Congressman Pallone (D-NJ)
    Congressman Payne (D-NJ)
    Congressman Pearce (R-NM)
    Congressman Pickering (R-MS)
    Congressman Pitts (R-PA)
    Congressman Price (D-NC)
    Congresswoman Pryce (R-OH)
    Congressman Putnam (R-FL)
    Congressman Radanovich (R-CA)
    Congressman Rahall (D-WV)
    Congressman Rangel (D-NY)
    Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (R-FL)
    Congressman Rothman (D-NJ)
    Congressman Royce (R-CA)
    Congressman Ryan, Tim (D-OH)
    Congresswoman Sanchez, Linda (D-CA)
    Congresswoman Sanchez, Loretta (D-CA)
    Congressman Saxton (R-NJ)
    Congresswoman Schakowsky (D-IL)
    Congressman Schiff (D-CA)
    Congressman Scott, Robert (D-VA)
    Congressman Schrock (R-VA)
    Congressmen Sessions (R-TX)
    Congressman Sherman (D-CA)
    Congressman Smith, Adam (D-WA)
    Congresswoman Solis (D-CA)
    Congressman Souder (R-IN)
    Congressman Spratt (D-SC)
    Congressman Stark (D-CA)
    Congressman Stearns (R-FL)
    Congressman Thompson, Mike (D-CA)
    Congressman Tierney (D-MA)
    Congressman Toomey (R-PA)
    Congressman Towns (D-NY)
    Congressman Turner, Michael (R-OH)
    Congressman Udall, Mark (D-CO)
    Congressman Udall, Tom (D-NM)
    Congressman Upton (R-MI)
    Congressman Van Hollen (D-MD)
    Congressman Visclosky (D-IN)
    Congressman Vitter (R-LA)
    Congressman Walsh (R-NY)
    Congresswoman Watson (D-CA)
    Congressman Watt (D-NC)
    Congressman Weiner (D-NY)
    Congressman Weldon, Dave (R-FL)
    Congressman Wexler (D-FL)
    Congressman Whitfield (R-KY)
    Congressman Wu (D-OR)

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  • ImmiRam
    09-13 04:57 PM
    I am sure you are well aquinted with IV and EB process.

    You proudly keep profile incomplete....
    Post a "noval" idea about law suit in first few posts (most likely you have another IV handle too).....

    still wondering why you are so "famous"....

    The rudeness some of the members display here amazez me...Yes, my profile is incomplete, but I still went ahead and made donation...not that I a, bragging but it speaks about commitment. Since my profile is incomplete, it gives you right to be Rude ? And why cannot I post about lawsuits in first few posts ? I dont get what you are trying to convey. Am I missing something here? I thought we are all professionals here, guess I am wrong.


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  • to Leonardo DiCaprio,

  • hopefulgc
    03-14 10:09 AM
    Ask for 3 year validity also.
    Also if the guy is renewing ead/ap, it can and should happen electronically.

    I guess we are here long on waiting for our green cards in the mean time I am suggesting we do a letter campaign to write in thousands to the USCIS director and lodge our protest about the problem the immigrant community is facing because of delays and irregularities in adjudication of EADs and APs. First and foremost things is a document which USCIS takes 6 months to Adjudicate is valid for 1 year which makes no sense.
    Secondly USCIS should make efforts to make adjudicate it in not more than 2 months since we have to make travel plans etc. We should not be bounded by these documents. If for some reason it takes more than 2 months than 1 should able to get it via infopass, and a family member's death should not be the only reason to get the AP we are human beings and we have other social bondings too like marriages etc. I urge the core team to take steps to come forward a begin a campaign.... I guess this is the foremost need of the moment for 1000s of us..

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  • bsbawa10
    02-12 05:22 PM
    I would love to, as it will help IV community also, but unfortunately it is not very easy in a company to request change of lawyer when the lawyer is good one. I see from many comments here that the Chugh Firm is a good one. And the employer also feels the same. So what grounds can I request them change their processes which they are following for nearly 200 employees. It will be hard. Cant even ask..

    You are right. For a good lawyer, you should not ask to change, but for bad one for sure you should. I never questioned my company's lawyer who is from Chicago. The worst lawyer ever possible: never replied to email, never responded to phone and never communicated: what she was doing. She filed my case in EB3 without consulting me or my knowledge even (I had two Masters and international research) and I came to know about it many years later when I thought I could be getting green card any day and guess what i came to know that not from the lawyer but from USCIS.


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  • Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate

  • Junky
    09-22 03:20 PM
    Just gave you green
    44 Red dots for requesting people to call :mad:

    girlfriend Leonardo DiCaprio, leonardo dicaprio titanic 2_25. Titanic: Special Edition (2
  • Titanic: Special Edition (2

  • talash
    10-16 09:09 PM
    Read where to file .It clearly says 30 to 33 dys

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  • manderson
    11-07 04:12 PM
    Can anyone else have opinion on this?

    Mittal Kapdi

    u don't need to go for "visa stamping" to maintain status (know that status and visa are different)

    notify the school of your change of status like the other guy/gal said. that's all you will need to do keep staying in the US legally.

    ....But if you want to travel while on H1, then yes: you need to go for "visa stamping".

    01-09 11:44 PM
    Probably you are right for EB3 ROW but I don't think that is true for EB2 ROW.

    I would have said 2020 but as you are not part of India or china may be 2015.

    03-14 10:22 AM
    There is nothing much IV can do to fix the inefficiency of the USCIS. How can IV help if USCIS cannot do its job in time? We can request them to work harder, thats all we can do.

    Multi-year EAD/APs ( 3 years) are already part of the ongoing IV Admin fixes campaign. Having 3 year EAD/APs will fix some of the issues mentioned by you.

    I guess we are here long on waiting for our green cards in the mean time I am suggesting we do a letter campaign to write in thousands to the USCIS director and lodge our protest about the problem the immigrant community is facing because of delays and irregularities in adjudication of EADs and APs. First and foremost things is a document which USCIS takes 6 months to Adjudicate is valid for 1 year which makes no sense.
    Secondly USCIS should make efforts to make adjudicate it in not more than 2 months since we have to make travel plans etc. We should not be bounded by these documents. If for some reason it takes more than 2 months than 1 should able to get it via infopass, and a family member's death should not be the only reason to get the AP we are human beings and we have other social bondings too like marriages etc. I urge the core team to take steps to come forward a begin a campaign.... I guess this is the foremost need of the moment for 1000s of us..

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